SALI: Kit Contents

Equipment Kit Contents
For replacement parts to SEPUP kits, visit Lab-Aids.
Scroll down to see the materials that are included in the Science and Life Issues (SALI) kit as well as those materials that are required but not included.
Materials in SALI equipment kit
- 1 set of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
Drawer 1
- 32 SEPUP trays
Drawer 2
- 8 Chemplates®
- 90 rubber bands
- 40 droppers
- 24 stir sticks
- 8 SEPUP filter funnels
- 32 9-ounce cups
- 16 30 mL graduated cups
Drawer 3
- 250 plastic tasting cups
- 1 tube red food coloring (ingestible)
- 5 unsweetened lemon drink mix packet
- 16 porcupine balls
- 1 sidewalk chalk set, 4 colors
- 1 SALI Heart Sounds Audiocassette
- 1 2-cup measuring cup
- 1 1/2-cup measuring container
- 16 2-point sensors
- 150 plastic toothpicks
- 32 15 cm plastic metric rulers
- 1 Science Odyssey Video: “Matters of Life and Death”
- 200 paperclips
Drawer 4
- 1 240 mL bottle vinegar
- 8 120 mL dispensing bottle vinegar
- 200 antacid tablets
- 1 Circulation Game Cards set
- 1 Role Cards set
- 8 modeling clay sets
Drawer 5
- 1 180 mL bottle phenolphthalein
- 1 60 mL dropper bottle 0.1M hydrochloric acid
- 1 60 mL dispensing bottle 0.1M sodium hydroxide
- 8 clamps
- 4 siphon bulbs
- 8 pressure bulbs
Drawer 6
- 100 sterile swabs
- 2 30 mL dropper bottles “Miriam”
- 2 30 mL dropper bottles “Tran
- 2 30 mL dropper bottles “Ms. Shah”
- 2 30 mL dropper bottles “Ed”
- 2 30 mL dropper bottles “Mr. Klasky”
- 2 30 mL dropper bottles “Heather”
- 2 30 mL dropper bottles “Laura”
- 2 30 mL dropper bottles “Mr. Milligan”
- 8 30 mL dropper bottles “Disease Indicator”
- 16 60 mL drop-controlled bottles 0.05M NaOH
- 1 60 mL dispensIng bottle sodium carbonate, 2%
- 200 glass coverslips
- 1 Place Cards, 1 set
- 1 sets of 8 Interview Cards, 16 sets
- 1 package hay infusion
- 8 15 mL dropper bottles methyl cellulose
- 16 microscope slide, single depression
- 2 microscope slides, 30/package
Drawer 7
- 8 bottles Lugol’s (iodine) solution
- 160 filter paper, 7cm
- 8 magnifiers, 4X
- 8 15 mL dropper bottle blue food coloring
- 2 vial activated charcoal
- 1 vial carbon pieces
- 1 bottle cornstarch
- 1 package beans
- 2 package rice
- 16 empty cap-less vials (AS-3)
- 16 caps for AS-3 vials
- 8 gas delivery tubes
- 150 thin sandwich bags
- 1 Marfan Foundation Video: “How Do Your Genes Fit?”
- 8 droppers
- 40 sugar packets
- 8 large plastic teaspoons
Drawer 8
- 6 bottle agar
- 160 60 mm sterile plastic petri dishes
Drawer 9
- 8 30 mL dropper bottles Jordan’s Blood Serum (Type AB)
- 8 30 mL dropper bottles Donated Blood Type A
- 8 30 mL dropper bottles Donated Blood Type B
- 8 30 mL dropper bottles Donated Blood Type O
- 8 30 mL dropper bottles Sasha’s Blood Serum (Type A)
- 8 30 mL dropper bottles Fong’s Blood Serum (Type B)
- 1 480 mL bottle vinegar
- 1 480 mL bottle of white corn syrup
- 4 SALI slide set (includes 5 bacteria and 2 human blood slides)
- 8 sets of 6 Classification cards
- 8 sets of 9 Micro-life cards
- 160 PTC paper
- 160 control paper
- 1 480 mL bottle of 70% ethyl alcohol (ethanol)
Drawer 10
- 16 dice, numbered
- 1 Glogerm™ powder
- 8 Maracondo Fever game boards
- 8 sets of Hut, House, Lab and Weird Events game cards
- 16 sets of 50 plastic disks (20 black, 15 orange, 15 blue)
- 2 ultraviolet (UV) lights
- 1 disks, pack of 12 blue and 12 orange
- 8 game pieces, set of 4 different colors
Drawer 11
- 1 vial Nicotiana seeds
- 16 balls, foam, 1 inch
- 250 wooden toothpicks
- 40 petri dishes, plastic, black
- 40 petri dishes, plastic, clear
- 56 balls, foam, 1-1⁄2 inch
- 16 pipe cleaners, blue
- 16 pipe cleaners, orange
- 40 thumbtacks, blue
- 60 straws blue
- 50 straws, green
- 40 straws, red
- 50 paperclips, yellow
- 100 brass fasteners, round head
- 120 germinating paper circles
Drawer 12
- 16 100 mm petri dishes
- 8 Nematode extractor tubing
- 50 Nematode extractor filter paper
- 8 Nematode Extractor Set
- 80 filter paper for 100 mm petri dish
- 16 small brushes
- 8 sets of 18 Animal cards
- 1 Elodea Certificate, approx. 1200cm
- 1 Lumbriculus variegatus (blackworms) Certificate
- 40 Owl pellets
- 64 pointed wooden sticks
- 16 pipettes, plastic
- 2 aluminum foil squares
- 8 30ml dropper bottles bromthymol blue solution
Drawer 13
- 64 clear plastic vials caps
- 64 clear plastic vials
- 1 950cc bottle of sand
- 25 armbands
- 1 950cc bottle of aquarium gravel
Drawer 14
- 160 tasting cups
- 16 marbles
- 1 set of 8 Station Cards
- 2 paper roll, 3″ wide
- 1 drill core sets
- 160 8.5 x 11 sheets of card stock (any color)
- 16 safety pins
- 8 sets of 3 Fossil Footprint Cards
- 16 sets of 6 Time Cards
- 150 clear bags
- 8 fossils specimens, 2 each of 8 different fossils
- 8 sets of 5 skeleton cards
- 16 paper bags
- 800 green toothpicks
- 800 beige toothpicks
- 50 paperclips, Large
- 200 paperclips
Drawer 15
- 16 plastic bins
- 16 tubing, 1/2″OD
- 8 tubing, 1/4”OD
- 1 rubber latex gloves, pair
- 40 1 gallon plastic bags
- 8 plastic human body
Drawer 16
- 520 straws, wrapped
- 96 forks, plastic
- 8 Battling Beaks Arena
Drawer 17
- 32 3/4″ diameter x 4″ long transparent tubes
- 16 triangular fabric slings
- 8 string, Card 3 meters
- 8 masking tape, roll, 3/4″ x 120′
- 20 medium non-latex gloves
- 20 medium plastic gloves
- 20 rubber dishwashing gloves
- 232 5/8″diameter x 4″ long transparent tubes
- 8 filament tape rolls, 3/4″ x 120′
- 8 brown parcel tape rolls, 3/4″ x 120′
- 8 transparent tape rolls, 3/4″ x 120′
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Materials not in kit
Classroom Equipment
- microscopes
- 1 microscope video camera (optional)
- 1 overhead projector
- 1 tape recorder
- 1 television monitor
- 1 videocassette recorder
- 1 video camera (optional)
Science Classroom Supplies
- access to centrifuge (optional)
- access to microwave or hot water bath
- access to refrigerator
- access to sinks with running water and soap
- access to watch or wall clock with a second hand
- balance(s)
- 1 beaker, 1-liter
- calculators
- chart paper
- colored pencils
- construction paper
- dissection scissors
- dissecting trays
- forceps
- glue (optional)
- graph paper
- 1 hole-puncher
- index cards, large (optional)
- markers
- meter sticks
- microscope lens paper (optional)
- miscellaneous prepared microscope slides, such as cat hair, bee stinger, the letter e, thread, etc. (optional)
- overhead transparency pens
- paper towels
- pencils
- permanent-ink markers
- research materials, such as books, magazines, CD-ROMs, Internet access, etc.
- safety goggles, 1 pair (optional)
- scissors
- sticky notes (optional)
- supply of water
- tape, masking
- tape, transparent
- 1 textbook (about 1 kg in weight)
- thermometers (optional)
- unlined paper
Specialty Items
- 8 1-liter bottles or other measuring containers, graduated into 100-mL divisions
- 8 70-g standard masses or substitute (i.e. plastic bag containing 70-g of pennies or gravel)
- alcohol wipe (optional)
- aluminum foil, 1 large piece (optional)
- 1 antacid tablet (non-effervescent) containing calcium carbonate (optional)
- antimicrobial solution(s)
- apple and knife (optional)
- aquatic leaf litter (such as oak leaves in spring water)
- bacterial culture, such as plain yogurt, non-processed cheese, soil infusion, or hay infusion
- 16 batteries (AA)
- bleach
- 1 bowl, large (optional)
- 4 boxes, small
- 1 bucket lined with a plastic bag (optional)
- 1 candle (optional)
- cardboard or paper (optional)
- celery stalks
- cereal (Cheerios™, or other loop-shaped cereal)
- chicken wings (raw)
- clay or soft, chewable candy (optional)
- 1 clipboard (optional)
- 1 colander or sieve
- 1-2 commercial energy bars (optional)
- 2 containers, 1-quart
- 1 container, 2-quart
- 1 container, large
- cotton, sterile (optional)
- design components, such as brads, staples, straight or safety pins, glues, buttons (optional)
- disinfectant spray (optional)
- 2-4 dolls with long hair
- drum, small (optional)
- duckweed
- eggs, de-shelled and massed (optional)
- 1 fire extinguisher or fire blanket (optional)
- fish food
- foam trays
- food items, such as graham crackers, peanut butter, raisins, sunflower seeds, nonfat dry milk powder, oatmeal, cereals, or nuts
- food items, such as quartered, unpeeled banana pieces; pretzel or cheese snack packs; small cereal packets; wrapped candies
- games, such as card games, electronic games, jacks, etc.
- gloves, non-latex (optional)
- gummy candies shaped like life preservers
- gummy candy worms
- hard candies (optional)
- 2-10 heart valve prototypes
- light source (such as lamps or windows that receive good natural light)
- 1 map of world geopolitical boundaries (optional)
- 1 map of world climatic zones (optional)
- 1 map, road (optional)
- matches (optional)
- measuring cups
- measuring spoons
- medicine labels (optional)
- mop(s)
- nail brushes (optional)
- onions
- paint, 1–1/2 tablespoons of blue tempera (optional)
- paper disks (punched from filter paper or brown paper towel)
- paper for wrapping
- paper plates
- pennies
- 1 picture of a dog (optional)
- 1 pitcher containing water or other beverage
- 1 plastic bag, quart-size with airtight seal (optional)
- plastic garbage bags
- plastic cutlery, assorted
- plastic knives
- plastic spoons
- 1 plastic tub
- plastic wrap, 1 roll
- pliers, 1 pair (optional)
- 10 ponytail holders
- pot holder (or towel)
- potato chips, 1 small bag (optional)
- 1-2 potted plants (optional)
- props, such as a suit jacket, microphone, fake beard, etc. (optional)
- salt
- sandwich bags
- sheep’s heart (optional)
- shoes, 1 pair of large lace-up
- soil samples (from outdoor soil)
- sponge(s)
- 2-3 stethoscopes (optional)
- 1 stirring spoon
- string
- string (optional)
- sugar
- sunglasses with green lenses (optional)
- 2 sweaters and/or button-up shirts
- tongs, 1 pair (optional)
- 4 toothbrushes
- 2 tubes of toothpaste
- various materials, such as a comic strip, newspaper text, human hair, leaves, etc.
- video of an ecosystem (optional)
- video of plant adaptations (optional)
- video of forest fire or dry leaves burning (optional)
- water, distilled
- 1 water, large bottle of carbonated (optional)
- water, spring (or treated tap water)
- water, warm
- 1 whistle or bell (optional)
- yeast, 5 1-oz. packets fresh quick-rise dry
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