SALI: Student Links
Student Links
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Unit A: Studying People Scientifically
Activity 2 The Pellagra Story
Activity 3 Testing Medicines: A Clinical Trial
Activity 6 Finding the Nerve
Activity 7 Human Variation
Activity 2
The Pellagra Story
Video On Pellagra – with closed captions
This video segment from A Science Odyssey profiles Dr. Joseph Goldberger and his search for a cure for pellagra, a poorly understood disease that ravaged the American South in the early 1900s. You may right-click on the above link to save the video and view it in full screen. It is recommended that you have the latest version of QuickTime installed to properly view this video. This video is from the Teacher’s Domain.
Dr. Joseph Goldberger and the War on Pellagra
Read biographical information and view photos of Dr. Joseph Goldberger, a physician in the U.S. government’s Hygienic Laboratory (predecessor of the National Institutes of Health). Site maintained by Dr. Alan Kraut, a history professor at American University in Washington, D.C.
PBS’s A Science Odyssey: Dr Joseph Goldberger
See more information on Dr. Joseph Goldberger from PBS’s People and Discoveries.
Activity 3
Testing Medicines: A Clinical Trial
Click here to see how your class results compare to the results posted by other classes who did this activity.
Activity 6
Finding the Nerve
Explore activities and other resources on the nervous system. Site maintained by Eric Chudler, a research professor at the University of Washington in Seattle, Washington.
Learn about the nervous system and take a trip through a virtual brain during this 30 minute video from the University of Washington television.
Learn more about sound and hearing as you explore this site from the University of Washington, “Neuroscience for Kids.”
Learn more about light and vision as you explore this site from the University of Washington, “Neuroscience for Kids.”
Activity 7
Finding the Nerve
Click here to see how your class results compare to the results posted by other classes who did this activity.
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Unit B: Body Works

Activity 13 Living With Your Liver
Activity 16 Balancing Act
Activity 19 Heart-ily Fit
Activity 25 Healing the Heart
Activity 29 Helping Hearts
Activity 13
Living With Your Liver
Find out how to keep your liver healthy and read the latest news on liver research. Site maintained by American Liver Foundation.
Learn more about the different types of hepatitis (A, B, C, D, E, & G) and the symptoms of each. Site developed by Vikki Shaw and maintained by Natural Wellness, a maker of nutritional supplements.
What happens when you decide to donate an organ? What if you have to have a kidney transplant? To find out, visit this site by Transweb, a nonprofit educational group based at the University of Michigan.
Activity 16
Balancing Act
Calculate the number of calories you burn during 222 activities by filling in your weight and the average amount of time you spend exercising. Site maintained by Fitness Jumpsite, a collaboration between two certified personal trainers.
Food and Nutrition Information Center
Visit the “Just for You” section of “Consumer Corner” to evaluate your health and calculate your risk of disease. The site is part of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
Activity 19
Heart-ily Fit
Get the latest information on the best ways to get fit from WebMD. You can calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI).
Activity 25
Healing the Heart
Nova Online: Pioneers of Heart Surgery
Learn how military doctors pioneered advances in antibiotics, anesthesia, and blood transfusions during World War II. There’s also information on treating heart disease. Site maintained by PBS’s NOVA Online.
The Faces of Science: African Americans in the Sciences
Read about past and present African American scientists that have contributed to the fields of science and engineering. Site maintained by Mitchell C. Brown of Princeton University.
Activity 29
Helping Hearts
The American Heart Association
What do you want to know about heart disease and strokes? You can find it on this site maintained by the American Heart Association.
Normal and Abnormal Heart Sounds (take a listen!)
The University of Washington’s Department of Medicine provides a variety of heart sounds on its site, including the sounds of a normal heart, heart murmurs, and heart defects.
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Unit C: Micro-Life
Activity 31 The Range of Disease
Activity 33 From One to Another
Activity 34 The Story of Leprosy
Activity 37 The History of the Germ Theory of Disease
Activity 45 The World of Microbes
Activity 46 Disease Fighters
Activity 50 Fighting Back
Activity 52 Miracle Drugs—Or Not?
Activity 31
The Range of Disease
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Health Topics A-Z
Use an alphabetical list of disease and health topics to find out more on this U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention site.
Healthfinder Diseases and Conditions
An easy-to-use site with lots of information on human health. Site maintained by U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Activity 33
From One to Another
Video On Bubonic Plague – with closed captions
This video segment from A Science Odyssey recounts the tactics employed by San Francisco’s health officials to prevent bubonic plague from reaching America’s West Coast. You may right-click on the above link to save the video and view it in full screen. It is recommended that you have the latest version of QuickTime installed to properly view this video. This video is from the Teacher’s Domain.
Activity 34
The Story of Leprosy
National Hansen’s Disease Programs
How is Hansen’s disease treated? Check out this U.S. Department of Health and Human Services site that describes treatment programs throughout the U.S.
Information about Hansen’s Disease
Download a fact sheet about Hansen’s disease from the New York State Department of Health.
Activity 37
The History of the Germ Theory of Disease
University of California Museum of Paleontology: Biography of Robert Hooke
See images from Robert Hooke’s Micrographia in this biography of the seventeenth century scientist and inventor. Site maintained by University of California Museum of Paleontology.
A site devoted to recognizing Robert Hooke’s accomplishments and inventions. Site hosted by Westminster School in London, England.
Activity 42
A Closer Look
Dennis Kunkel Microscopy Education Web Page
Learn about science and photography through microscopy. Site maintained by Dennis Kunkel Microscopy, Inc.
One of the many interesting things you can do on James Sullivan’s site is download and watch video of cells during mitosis.
Activity 45
The World of Microbes
Explore the world of microbes that live in nature and are represented in this “zoo.” The Microbe Zoo is part of a project at Michigan State University.
Look at microscope photos of protists and algae at this University of Montreal site.
Activity 46
Disease Fighters
American Association of Blood Banks
Did you know that 45% of the US population has Type O blood? More information about blood, blood donation, and blood-borne diseases can be found on this site.
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
Find out more about sickle cell anemia and other blood diseases at this National Institutes of Health site.
Activity 50
Fighting Back
Video on the Discovery of Penicillin – with closed captions
In this video segment from A Science Odyssey on the Teacher’s Domain, learn what led British researcher Alexander Fleming to the chance discovery of antibacterial properties in a mold extract he later named penicillin. It is recommended that you have the latest version of QuickTime installed to properly view this video.
Video on Producing Penicillin – with closed captions
In this video segment from A Science Odyssey on the Teacher’s Domain, learn about the team of scientists from Oxford University that conducted tests on penicillin, in addition to the mass production of this new drug. It is recommended that you have the latest version of QuickTime installed to properly view this video.
Activity 52
Miracle Drugs—Or Not?
The Whyfiles: When the Antibiotics Quit Working
You’ll find a lot more information on how antibiotic-resistant microbes are becoming a serious problem in the treatment of disease on the University of Wisconsin-Madison Graduate School site.
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Unit D: Our Genes, Our Selves
Activity 56 Joe’s Dilemma
Activity 59 Gene Combo
Activity 62 Analyzing Genetic Data
Activity 64 Nature and Nurture
Activity 65 Breeding Critters—More Traits
Activity 67 What Would You Do?
Activity 69 Evidence from DNA
Activity 71 Should We?
Activity 56
Joe’s Dilemma
Keep updated on the latest research on Marfan syndrome and its treatment on the National Marfan Foundation site.
Your Genes, Your Health: What is Marfan Syndrome?
Watch videos on what it’s like to have Marfan’s syndrome and learn more about the condition. Site maintained by the Dolan DNA Learning Center, a public science center and a division of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, a molecular genetics research center.
Activity 59
Gene Combo
Click here to see how your class results compare to the results posted by other classes who did this activity.
Download GenScope, a software program that explores genetics. You need to use it for an additional activity called “Are Dragon Wings Dominant?” Your teacher will give you Student Sheets for this activity.
Activity 62
Analyzing Genetic Data
Click here to see how your class results compare to the results posted by other classes who did this activity.
Activity 64
Nature and Nurture
Click here to see how your class results compare to the results posted by other classes who did this activity.
Activity 65
Breeding Critters—More Traits
Download GenScope, a software program that explores genetics. You need to use it for an additional activity called “Dragon Diversity.” Your teacher will give you Student Sheets for this activity.
Activity 67
What Would You Do?
Genetic tests use a variety of laboratory techniques to determine if a person has or is likely to get a genetic disease. Learn about the different types of genetic testing as well as legal, ethical, and social issues involved in genetic testing. Site maintained by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Medline Plus Health Information: Genetic Testing/Counseling
Information, news, and research on genetic testing and genetics at a site produced by the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health.
Information on Genetic Disorders
A-Z directory of genetic disorders and links to related sites collected by the Yahoo search engine.
Activity 69
Evidence from DNA
Human Genome Project Information
Find out about the goals, progress, and other issues associated with the Human Genome Project at their site.
Activity 71
Should We?
Links to many different sources of information about genetics can be found at the Access Excellence’s National Health Museum Resource Center site.
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Unit E: Ecology
Activity 73 Introduced Species
Activity 79 Eating for Energy
Activity 87 Too Many Mussels?
Activity 73
Introduced Species
Kudzu was classified as a pest in 1972 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Find out more at Alabama’s Cooperative Extension site.
Did you know that people make kudzu baskets, kudzu jelly, and kudzu hay? You can link to recipes and other kudzu innovations at the University of Alabama Center for Public Television & Radio site.
Asian Tiger Mosquito
The Washington Post: Asian Tiger Mosquito Spreads Trouble
Find out what the Asian tiger mosquito looks like, where it can be found, and more at the on-line version of The Washington Post newspaper.
Facts on the Asian tiger mosquito’s life cycle and how to prevent its spread can be found here.
The history and biology of nutria can be found on the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries site.
Read about the growth of nutria and its spread across Texas. Site maintained Texas Tech University.
Nonindigenous Aquatic Species: Hydrilla
Learn why this aquatic plant, also known as water thyme, is considered a problem. Site maintained by U.S. Department of Agriculture‘s Center for National Invasive Species Information Center.
University of Florida, Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants: Hydrilla
What does research say about getting rid of this invasive plant? What can you do to help? Find out this and more at the University of Florida’s Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants site.
Asian Longhorn Beetle
Asian Longhorn Beetle Fact Sheet
Find all the latest information on the Asian longhorn beetle at the University of Vermont’s site.
U.S. Department of Agriculture: Asian Longhorn Beetle
What is the U.S. government doing to stop the spread of this insect? Find out this and more at the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service site.
Purple Loosestrife
Purple Loosestrife – Plant Conservation Alliance
Find current information about Purple Loosestrife on the Plant Conservation Alliances’s Alien Plant website.
Get the facts on this invasive plant at Cornell University’s Ecology and Management of Invasive Plants Program site.
Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology: European Starling
You can listen to the sounds of a European starling while learning about its diet, habitat, and nesting behavior. Site maintained by Cornell University’s Lab of Ornithology.
Animal Diversity Web: European Starling
Find the European starling’s biological classification and much more at this site supported in part by the University of Michigan’s Museum of Zoology.
Brown Snake
Where do you find brown tree snakes? How poisonous is its bite? Find the answer to these questions and more at this site developed by U.S. Geological Survey’s Fort Collins, Colorado Science Center.
Invasive Species: Brown Tree Snake Profile
More information about the Brown Tree Snake can be found here.
Nile Perch
Find current information about the ecology, distribution and management efforts of the Nile Perch on the Global Invasive Species Database.
Activity 79
Eating for Energy
Dynamic Map of Zebra Mussel Distribution
You can find out how far zebra mussels have spread each year in the United States on this interactive map produced by the U.S. government.
Activity 87
Too Many Mussels?
The Zebra Mussel Research Program looks into different types of technology that can be used to control zebra mussels. It is funded by the U.S. government.
Invasive Species: Zebra Mussel Profile
The latest information on the zebra mussel can be found at this site.
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Unit F: Evolution
Activity 89 Here Today, Gone Tomorrow?
Activity 99 A Whale of a Tale
Activity 101 Birds of a Feather?
Activity 89
Here Today, Gone Tomorrow?
You can view facts on the African or Asian elephant from this site. This website contains population estimates, species information, and the latest news on efforts by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) to preserve these species.
Bringing the Mammoth Back to Life?
A nearly intact mammoth was found frozen in Siberia. Read about the discovery and the possibilities it presents for learning about this extinct animals and even cloning mammoths.
Also, read about the progress scientists are making in extracting DNA from a frozen mammoth. Click Here
Activity 99
A Whale of a Tale
Research on the Origins of Whales
View a drawing and diagram on the evolution of cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises). Site developed by Dr. J. G. M. “Hans” Thewissen, a professor at the Northeastern Ohio University College of Medicine.
Introduction to Whales and Dolphins
Scroll down this site to find information and photos on whale evolution and to link to related sites. Site maintained by University of California Museum of Paleontology.
View an artist’s drawing of Ambulocetus from the British Broadcasting Company. Read the physical description, habitat, diet and behavior of this “walking whale that swims.”
Activity 101
Birds of a Feather?
Find information on endangered plants and animals in a list compiled by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. You can also view a map of the U.S. to find regional examples.
Extinct Dodo Related to Pigeons, DNA Shows
Read the National Geographic news article that details scientists’ research that shows the dodo bird and the pigeon are related.
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Unit G: Using Tools and Ideas
Activity 107
Technology and the Life Sciences
Use this page to link to scientist biographies by category, such as Nobel Laureate prize winners. Site created by teacher-librarian M.L. Krone.
The Hall of Science and Exploration
See pictures and read biographies of scientists and explorers of the present. The site is part of the Academy of Achievement, an on-line museum of living history.
National Inventors Hall of Fame
Search the National Inventors Hall of Fame on-line library by inventor, invention, or decade. The site is a part of the National Inventors Hall of Fame.
Read biographies of 16 women who made significant contributions and received recognition in their field of study. The site is maintained by the San Diego Super Computer Center.
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