SEPUP Science Grade 6: Student Links

Online Resources

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Unit 1: Chemistry

Activity 3
Investigating Elements


Dynamic Periodic Table

Los Alamos National Laboratory Periodic Table of the Elements


IUPAC – International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry: Periodic Table of the Elements
Click on “Periodic Table of the Elements” to download the latest version of the table approved by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemists (IUPAC).


Unit 2: Energy

Science Grade 6 Texas Edition Book Cover

Activity 14 Roller Coaster Energy
Activity 19 Ice-Preserving Contest
Activity 23 Electricity Generation
Activity 29 Household Energy Efficiency
Activity 30 Improving Energy Efficiency

Activity 14
Roller Coaster Energy

Funderstanding Roller Coaster
Design a roller coaster online, changing the height of hills and a loop, the speed of the coaster, friction, gravity, and more.

Design a Roller Coaster
At this site you can participate in a short project to create your own roller coaster. Then you can have it evaluated for “safety” and “fun” scores.

Activity 19
Ice-Preserving Contest

Phases of Water
This site provides a simulation that demonstrates what happens at the molecular level as water changes phase from ice, to liquid, to gas. To investigate these changes, follow the two steps below.

1. Click on the start arrow and observe and record what happens to the water molecules as the temperature:
            a.            changes from -20 to 0°C
            b.            reaches 0°C and maintains this temperature
            c.            changes from 0 to 100°C
            d.            reaches 100°C and maintains this temperature
            e.            increases in temperature from 100°C to 150°C

2. What observable changes are happening to the water at each stage (a through e) above?  In other words, what phases or phases—solid, liquid, or gas—are present at each stage?

Activity 23
Electricity Generation

National Fossil-Fuel CO2 Emissions
Visit this site to see a list of the top 20 carbon dioxide producing countries and how their emissions compare.

Activity 29
Household Energy Efficiency

Department of Energy: Energy Saver
This site developed by the United States Department of Energy’s explains more about making an apartment or home energy-efficient.

Home Energy Checklist for Action
Visit this site to see what you can do starting today to increase your home’s energy efficiency.

How You Can Save Energy
Visit this site to read a list of things you can do at home to reduce your energy costs.

Activity 30
Improving Energy Efficiency

Home Energy Saver
Enter your zip code on this site to calculate how you and your family can save energy in the area in which you live.


Unit 3: Motion and Simple Machines

Activity 32 Investigating Ramps
Activity 34 Investigating Pulley Systems
Activity 35 Mechanical Advantage

Activity 32
Investigating Ramps

PhET Simulation: The Ramp
In this PhET simulation, see the forces, energy, and work needed to move household objects up and down a ramp.

Activity 34
Investigating Pulley Systems

Pulley Simulation
Investigate the effects on force and distance in a variety of pulley systems.

Activity 35
Mechanical Advantage

Simple Machines
Play this simple machines game from the Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago.


Unit 4: The Earth

Activity 39 Storing Waste
Activity 44 Mineral Properties
Activity 51 The Continent Puzzle
Activity 53 Mapping Plates
Activity 57 Other Types of Plate Motion

Activity 39
Storing Waste

Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management
Go to the U.S. Department of Energy’s site for the latest information on storing radioactive waste, including the Yucca Mountain Repository.

Activity 44
Mineral Properties

The Mineral and Gemstone Kingdom
Find gemstones grouped by a range of search criteria, including color and crystal shape. The site also has information about minerals, a photo gallery, and a glossary. Site authored by Hershel Friedman.

Minerals by Name
An alphabetical listing of minerals. The description of each mineral includes a photo, its chemistry, and its physical characteristics. Site developed by Amethyst Galleries, Inc.

Activity 51
The Continent Puzzle

Plate Tectonics Animation
You can choose the length of time you would like to animate the movement of the continents, beginning as early as 750 million years ago. Site maintained by the University of California’s Museum of Paleontology.

Historical Perspective of Plate Tectonics
See five images that trace the movement of the earth’s continents over the last 225 million years at this U.S. Geological Survey site.

Activity 53
Mapping Plates

Major Tectonic Plates of the World
This U.S. Geological Survey site contains a world map with major tectonic plates identified by name.

Plate Tectonics
You can see a world map with vectors showing the direction and magnitude of movement within tectonic plates. Site developed by the late John C. Butler, a professor at the University of Houston.

Activity 57
Other Types of Plate Motion

SEPUP Plate Motion Simulation
Observe the movement of convergent, divergent, and transform plate boundaries over periods of time from 10 years to 20 million years.


Unit 5: Exploring the Solar System

Activity 60 Observing Objects in Space
Activity 63 Where in the Solar System Am I?
Activity 66 The Nearest Star: The Sun
Activity 68 The Effects of Gravity
Activity 69 Exploring Outer Space
Activity 70 Choosing a Mission

Activity 60
Observing Objects in Space

Amazing Space
View tonight’s sky from your computer!

Activity 63
Where in the Solar System Am I?

Solar System Exploration
NASA website on the planets in the Solar System.

Activity 66
The Nearest Star: The Sun

Sun: Overview
NASA Heliophysics.

Activity 68
The Effects of Gravity

PhET Simulation: Gravity Force Lab
In this PhET simulation, you can visualize the gravitational force that two objects exert on each other.

Activity 69
Exploring Outer Space

Have you ever wondered what is it like to travel in space? The following NASA sites describe how astronauts handle everyday tasks like getting dressed, eating, sleeping, and exercising while in a microgravity environment.

Living in Space
Eating in Space
Sleeping in Space
Space Flight Questions and Answers

Are you interested in becoming an astronaut? These NASA sites will help you learn what you can do to work toward a career in space.

How Do you Become an Astronaut?
What It’s Like to Be an Astronaut
So You Want to Be an Astronaut… (1)
So You Want to Be an Astronaut… (2)

Activity 70
Choosing a Mission

NASA Science: Planets
Current planet explorations.

NASA: Current Missions
What to know what missions are currently underway at NASA? Click on the link above Current NASA missions.


Unit 6: Organisms and Environments

Activity 73 Looking for Signs of Microlife
Activity 74 The History of the Cell Theory

Activity 73
Looking for Signs of Microlife

Microbes Under View
Click on an organism in pond water to find out more about it! Follow the links to the “smallest page on the web” to see actual photographs of these microbes.

Cells Alive!
View interactive models of plant and animal cells. You can also click on cell animations to see the cell cycle and cell reproduction.

Activity 74
The History of the Cell Theory

University of California Museum of Paleontology: Biography of Robert Hooke
See images from Robert Hooke’s Micrographia in this biography of the seventeenth century scientist and inventor. Site maintained by University of California Museum of Paleontology.

Robert Hooke
A site devoted to recognizing Robert Hooke’s accomplishments and inventions. Site hosted by Westminster School in London, England.
