SEPUP Science Grade 6: Teacher Links
Online Resources
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Unit 1: Chemistry
Activity 3
Investigating Elements
Los Alamos National Laboratory Periodic Table of the Elements
IUPAC – International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry: Periodic Table of the Elements
Click on “Periodic Table of the Elements” to download the latest version of the table approved by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemists (IUPAC).
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Unit 2: Energy

Activity 12 Home Energy Use
Activity 23 Electricity Generation
Activity 12
Home Energy Use
The Utility Connection
This website has links to over 2,000 local utility companies. To find power generating web pages for your area, try an Internet search for “your state or city + power or electricity,” or try the web site of your local electric utility company.
Activity 23
Electricity Generation
The Energy Information Administration
This website provides maps of the United States showing power plant locations for individual states.
Tennessee Valley Authority: Reservoirs and Power Plants
This website provides links to all of TVA’s power generating plants.
California Independent System Operator
At this site the daily forecasted available energy resources and actual demand in the state of California are show in both graph and data table format.
New York Power Authority: Our Facilities
Bonneville Power Administration
This site provides free videos for teachers in the Northwest.
Foundation for Water and Energy: Turning to Hydropower
This website includes a “walk through” of a hydroelectric power plant plus a design to make a water powered generator.
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Unit 3: Motion and Simple Machines
Activity 32 Investigating Ramps
Activity 34 Investigating Pulley Systems
Activity 35 Mechanical Advantage
Activity 32
Investigating Ramps
PhET Simulation: The Ramp
In this PhET simulation, see the forces, energy, and work needed to move household objects up and down a ramp.
Activity 34
Investigating Pulley Systems
Pulley Simulation
Investigate the effects on force and distance in a variety of pulley systems.
Activity 35
Mechanical Advantage
Simple Machines
Play this simple machines game from the Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago.
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Unit 4: The Earth
Activity 52 The Theory of Plate Tectonics
Activity 57 Other Types of Plate Motion
Activity 52
The Theory of Plate Tectonics
Video Segment 1 – Plate Tectonics: The Scientist Behind the Theory
This video segment chronicles the Alfred Wegener’s development of the theory of continental drift and is from the WGBH Teacher’s Domain website. It is recommended that you have the latest version of QuickTime installed to properly view this video.
Video Segment 2 – Plate Tectonics Further Evidence
Using evidence from Alfred Wegener’s theory of continental drift, this video on the WGBH Teacher’s Domain website details the evidence that supported the theory of plate tectonics. It is recommended that you have the latest version of QuickTime installed to properly view this video.
Activity 57
Other Types of Plate Motion
SEPUP Plate Motion Simulation
Observe the movement of convergent, divergent, and transform plate boundaries over periods of time from 10 years to 20 million years.
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Unit 5: Exploring the Solar System
Activity 60 Observing Objects in Space
Activity 63 Where in the Solar System Am I?
Activity 66 The Nearest Star: The Sun
Activity 68 The Effects of Gravity
Activity 69 Exploring Outer Space
Activity 70 Choosing a Mission
Activity 60
Observing Objects in Space
Amazing Space
View tonight’s sky from your computer!
Activity 63
Where in the Solar System Am I?
Solar System Exploration
NASA website on the planets in the Solar System.
Activity 66
The Nearest Star: The Sun
Sun: Overview
NASA Heliophysics.
Activity 68
The Effects of Gravity
PhET Simulation: Gravity Force Lab
In this PhET simulation, you can visualize the gravitational force that two objects exert on each other.
Activity 69
Exploring Outer Space
Have you ever wondered what is it like to travel in space? The following NASA sites describe how astronauts handle everyday tasks like getting dressed, eating, sleeping, and exercising while in a microgravity environment.
Living in Space
Eating in Space
Sleeping in Space
Space Flight Questions and Answers
Are you interested in becoming an astronaut? These NASA sites will help you learn what you can do to work toward a career in space.
How Do you Become an Astronaut?
What It’s Like to Be an Astronaut
So You Want to Be an Astronaut… (1)
So You Want to Be an Astronaut… (2)
Activity 70
Choosing a Mission
NASA Science: Planets
Current planet explorations.
NASA: Current Missions
What to know what missions are currently underway at NASA? Click on the link above Current NASA missions.
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