Reproduction: Teacher Links

Reproduction Book Cover

Teacher Links

This Reproduction unit is part of SEPUP’s Issues and Science three-year Middle School program. Each unit of the program incorporates science and engineering concepts and practices with current issues.


Learning Pathway Diagrams for this unit:

Activity 1
Joe’s Situation

How Do Your Genes Fit?
Acclaimed video from the National Marfan Foundation that teaches young people about inheritance and genetic disorders and an appreciation for human diversity.

Activity 3

Extension Activity: “Life Cycles of Animals and Plants”
This SEPUP extension activity includes both teacher and student pages for a reading on the life cycles of various groups of animals and plants.

Activity 4
Gene Combo

Submit Data for Activity 4
Some activities provide the opportunity for students in classrooms across the country to compare their data with each other. Click the above link to submit your students’ data.

Click here to see how your class results compare to the results posted by other classes who did this activity.

Activity 7
Do Genes Determine Everything?

Submit Data for Activity 7
Some activities provide the opportunity for students in classrooms across the country to compare their data with each other. Click the above link to submit your students’ data.

Click here to see how your class results compare to the results posted by other classes who did this activity.

Extension Activity: “Life Cycles of Animals and Plants”
This SEPUP extension activity includes both teacher and student pages for a reading on the life cycles of various groups of animals and plants.

Activity 10
Animal Behavior

Flamingo Mating Dance – YouTube
Andean flamingos doing a mating dance.

Activity 13
Fault in the Genes

How Do People Get Marfan Syndrome?
This video provides additional information about how changes in the fibrillin gene can lead to Marfan syndrome.

Activity 14
Advising Joe

How Do Your Genes Fit?
Acclaimed video from the National Marfan Foundation that teaches young people about inheritance and genetic disorders and an appreciation for human diversity.

Legal Issues Relating to Discrimination and Privacy
Click on the link above for a state by state description of the laws and legal protections relating to genetic testing.

Additional Websites on DNA and Human Genetics

The Innocence Project
This site presents an example of the societal implications of DNA testing. It provides documented cases of post-conviction DNA testing which yield conclusive proof of defendants’ innocence. Good discussion of the limitations of DNA testing. The Innocence Project is an independent non-profit legal clinic and resource center, maintained by Barry Scheck and Peter Neufeld at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law at Yeshiva University.