Category: Science and Life Issues
SALI / IALS / SEPUP Science: Student Activities – Activity 59 and Reproduction Activity 4
Class Data for the Gene Combo Activity Loading…
SALI Teachers: Standards
Please visit Lab-Aids for Standards.
SALI / IALS / SEPUP Science: Student Activities – Results – Activity 64
Class Data for SALI/IALS Activity 64, Nature and Nurture Loading…
SALI / IALS / SEPUP Science: Student Activities – Activity 62
Class Data for the activity, Analyzing Genetic Data Loading…
SALI / IALS / SEPUP Science: Student Activities – Activity 7 & Activity 5
Class Data for SALI Activity 7 / IALS Activity 5, Can You Feel the Difference? / SEPUP Science Grade 7, Activity 17, Can You Feel the Difference? Loading…
SALI: Overview
Summary: Science and Life Issues (SALI) is a standards-based, issues-oriented science course that emphasizes the life/health sciences. The course can serve as a stand-alone, full-year program or as part of a three-year integrated science with Issues and Physical Science, the SEPUP physical science course, and Issues and Earth Science, SEPUP’s Earth Science course. SALI has four process-oriented components: Scientific […]