S&S: Updates

The Science and Sustainability Student Book was revised in 2005. For those classrooms using previous versions, we recommend downloading the following file (PDF, 808k) which contains the new pages with the most significant changes (updated data, modified procedures, corrections, etc.) Please print these pages, duplicate them, and distribute them to your students as you begin each unit.
Submit a Correction
Email us: sepup@berkeley.edu
List of Corrections
Activity 1, Sustainable Living
If any students have allergies to nuts, they should be excused from participating in this activity and should not remain in the room. Alternatively, you can have students determine the calories in a mini-marshmallow, puffed cheese snack, or potato chip.
Activity 7, Modeling Human Population Growth
Teacher’s Guide, page 162: The link for STELLA® Software has changed. Click here for the new link:
Activity 26: Catalysts, Enzymes, and Reaction Rates
In Advance Preparation, please add the following text to the material on Sessions Two and Three (p. 647):
Because acidified potassium permanganate solution has a short shelf-life, the 0.01M potassium permanganate solution provided has not been acidified. Before using the 0.01M potassium permanganate solution you will need to add 10 drops of the 1M sulfuric acid solution provided in the kit to each 30-mL bottle of 0.01M potassium permanganate solution.
You may download new pages 647-648 with this addendum. You can view them and print them in Acrobat Reader.
Please replace your Teacher’s Guide pages with these new ones.
Appendix F – Literacy
Click the link below to download the updated version: