IEY: Teacher Links

Teacher Links
You can find useful links for teachers below.
On the Mode of Communication of Cholera, (John Snow, 1855).
John Snow’s 1855 book “On the Mode of Communication of Cholera” is available at this site sponsored by the Department of Epidemiology in UCLA’s School of Public Health. This webpage includes the first 38 pages of the book and provides links to the complete book and to maps and more information on John Snow.
The American Chemistry Council Learning Center
This site offers several resources to help teach about plastics and recycling.
Consumer Fact sheet on Copper by the U.S Environmental Protection Agency – Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water.
Current Primary and Metal Scrap Prices can be found at:
The London Metal Exchange
The Energy Information Administration provides maps of the United States showing power plant locations for individual states.
Tennessee Valley Authority: Reservoirs and Power Plants
This site provides links to all of TVA’s power generating plants.
California Independent System Operator
At this site the daily forecasted available energy resources and actual demand in the state of California are show in both graph and data table format.
New York Power Authority: “Our Facilities”
Bonneville Power Administration
This site provides free videos for teachers in the Northwest.
Build a hydropower station using this paper model
Foundation for Water and Energy: “Turning to Hydropower” Includes a “walk through” of a hydroelectric power plant plus a design to make a water powered generator.
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