IEY: Updates

Scroll down to see the a list of all Issues, Evidence and You (IEY) corrections.
Water Usage and Safety
We have modified the serial dilution templates for Activity 3, “Concentration,” and Activity 8, “Acids, Bases, and Indicators.” Download new Student Sheet 3.1 and Transparency Master 3, and Student Sheet 8.1 below.
Download Student Sheet 3.1 and Student Sheet 8.1
You can view and print them in Acrobat Reader which is available, free of charge, at
The plastic material used in the first part of Activity 14, “Investigating a New Plastic,” is no longer available, and there is no substitute. If you would like to extend this activity by investigating paper recycling, have students view the video below from the Teacher’s Domain. After they view the video, discuss with the class the steps and impact of paper recycling. It is recommended that you have the latest version of QuickTime installed to properly view this video.