S&S: Kit Contents

Equipment Kit Contents
For replacement parts to SEPUP kits, visit Lab-Aids.
Scroll down to see the materials that are included in the Science and Sustainability (S&S) kit as well as those materials that are required but not included.
Materials in S&S equipment kit
1 set of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
16 Material World books
Drawer 1
8 15 mL bottles methyl cellulose
1 jar of copper shot
8 shot shakers
100 plastic bags, 6 x 7″
8 S&S plastic samples
8 S&S tile samples
8 shot shaker caps with hole
16 glass slides, one cavity
36 test tubes, with rim glass 15 x 125
8 nut holders
2 phytoplankton #1 slides: diatoms
2 phytoplankton #2 slides: oscillatoria
2 phytoplankton #3 slides: closterium
2 phytoplankton #4 slides: volvox
2 zooplankton #1 slides: rotifers
2 zooplankton #2 slides: copepods (cyclops)
2 zooplankton #3 slides: stentor
2 zooplankton #4 slides: euglena
Drawer 2
1 bottle Drosophila instant medium
8 fruit fly house bottom plugs
8 fruit fly house foam plugs
2 Flynap sets
16 transparencies, 1 cm x 1 cm grid
8 5 x 7″ blue filters
8 5 x 7″ red filters
8 5 x 7″ yellow filters
1 image transparency set
8 global vegetation maps
1 kansas image transparency
8 beijing images
8 aral sea images
8 global chlorophyll images
8 chlorophyll color scales
8 plastic water baths
8 fruit fly houses
1 periodic table transparency
1 Drosophila cultures coupon w/ freight
Drawer 3
8 1.25″ x 10″ x 020 tubes with hole
300 package cotton balls
1 jar nitrogen testing powder
8 120 mL bottles nitrogen extract solution
8 20 mL bottles Lugol’s solution
1 jar of soil nutrient
20 plastic pipettes
8 nitrogen color charts
8 1 1/4″ natural plugs
8 allele card sets
2 red radish seed packages
60 glass slides
2 animal cell #1 slides: human blood (stained)
2 animal cell #2 slides: amphiuma liver
2 plant cell #1 slides: dicot stem (tilia)
2 plant cell #2 slides: dicot leaf (ligustrum)
1 500 cc bottle gravel
Drawer 4
250 1/2 oz plastic cups
40 straws, wrapped, plastic
8 ceramic magnet dots
8 180 mL bottles glucose solution
8 180 mL bottles liquid starch for #22
1 corn, 1:1:1:1 segregation ear
80 membranes, 9″
8 carbon pieces
8 sulfur pieces
8 silicon pieces
1 toothpicks, flat, 750/box
8 ratio corn sets
8 electrical harnesses
Drawer 5
13 packages of two effervescent tablets
8 30 mL bottles sodium borate 4%
8 180 mL bottles 4% polyvinyl alcohol
8 60 mL wide mouth bottles
100 package colored paperclips
40 packets salt
8 60 mL bottles methanol
8 60 mL bottles glycerin
2 480 mL bottles “synthetic oil”
8 Kevlar pieces, 2 x 2″
500 paperclips, #1
16 spoons, large plastic
Drawer 6
1 vial bottle iron powder
1 vial crushed malachite
8 60 mL bottles 1 M sulfuric acid
1 240 mL bottle 1 M sulfuric acid
8 120 mL bottles 50,000 ppm copper sulfate
8 120 mL bottles simulated acid rain
8 malachite pieces
150 coarse filter paper
4 180 mL bottles sodium silicate
8 30 mL bottles ammonia
Drawer 7
8 30mL bottles distilled water
1 bottle oxy pellets
8 30 mL bottles potassium permanganate, 0.01 M
1 vial lactase tablets
1 vial solid lactose
8 60 mL bottles denatured ethanol
8 30 mL bottles salicylic acid solution
8 30 mL bottles 0.1 M iron (iii) chloride solution
1 vial brand “1” aspirin, 25 tablets
1 vial brand “2” aspirin, 25 tablets
8 12″ copper wire strips
16 test tubes, glass 25 x 150
1 900 cc bottle portland cement
Drawer 8
4 compresses, hot pack reusable
1 480 mL bottle lamp oil (kerosene)
2 30 mL bottles vegetable oil
1 bottle calcium chloride
1 bottle sodium bicarbonate
1 bottle ferrous chloride
2 30 mL bottle acetone
8 inflation caps, 8/package
8 syringes, 2/package
1 pump, tire for bicycle
16 particulate accumulation data cards
16 ATN scales
8 syringe tips, 8/package
1 World Population Videotape
Drawer 9
16 bulb sockets
18 bulbs, #50
8 dice
8 S&S chip sets
8 filters, heat, no light
8 filters, no heat
16 battery assemblies
8 global shuffle game boards
1 game piece set (8 each of 4 colors)
8 global shuffle game cards, 1 set/package
3 packages aluminum foil
Drawer 10
100 vials, 10 dr
100 vial caps
16 bulb/filter/thermometer holders
Drawer 11
8 cylinders, 5 cm aluminum
8 cylinders, 5 cm steel
8 graduated cylinders, 10 mL
40 packets sugar
2 480 mL bottles denatured ethanol
100 jumbo paperclips
500 glass cover slips
8 alcohol burners
wicks for alcohol burner
8 30 mL bottles bromthymol blue
Drawer 12
50 clear, soft plastic cups
8 50 mL graduated cylinder bases
8 tubes, graduated 50 mL
24 thermometers, v-back
16 droppers, plastic
24 measure/mixing spatulas
16 180 mL plastic bottles with cap
Drawer 13
16 calorimeter sets
8 funnels
Drawer 14
160 filter paper circles
16 magnifiers
1 bottle NaCl
8 30 mL bottles 0.05m NaOH
16 S&S molecular model packets
300 bottle test strips
16 DNA model packages
16 SEPUP funnels, plastic
32 1 oz graduated containers
8 30 mL water (empty)
Drawer 15
24 SEPUP trays
Drawer 16
8 condenser assemblies
24 2-holed #7 stoppers
16 1-holed #3 stoppers
8 18″ clear tubing
24 3″ glass tubing
16 S&S black PVC tubing
Materials not included in kit
Science Supplies
16 microscopes
4-8 balances (mechanical or electronic)
32 safety goggles
16 ring stands with clamps
16 meter sticks
8 100-mL “Pyrex-type” graduated cylinders
8 25- or 50-mL “Pyrex-type” graduated cylinders
16 immersion thermometers or temperature probes (–20� to +110�C)
1 400-mL beaker
16 250-mL beaker
16 125-mL beakers
24 250-mL Erlenmeyer flasks
8 hot plates
8 stopwatches
8 spring scales (preferably that measure in Newtons)
8 tongs
8 spatulas
8 non-flammable drip catchers
2 watch glasses or crucibles
weighing papers
School and Home Supplies
1 overhead projector
1 VCR and monitor
8 computers with STELLA® software installed (see Activity 7)
1 automobile (with licensed driver)
32 calculators
75 liters of potting soil
1 liter of local soil
100 straws
2 dish pans (or turkey roasting pans)
8 lunch bags (or other opaque bags)
100 copies of map of local area
1 transparency of map of local area
8 rolls of masking tape
8 rolls of transparent tape
8 pairs of scissors
8 permanent markers
16 transparency markers
16 markers for use on paper
100 small plastic sandwich bags
8 sets of 4 identical heavy masses (e.g. bricks, wood blocks, books)
3 bathroom scales
3 towels or pads to put under bathroom scales
24 3×5” samples of polyester cloth
24 3×5” samples of nylon cloth
24 3×5” samples of cotton cloth
24 3×5” samples of wool cloth
1 200-mL sample of corn syrup
1 200-mL sample of molasses
1 200-mL sample of sucrose
16 30-cm metric rulers
8 hot pads
8 heavy objects to which spring scale can be attached
1 liter fine-grained sand
1 clock with second hand
light source(s) large enough to illuminate 20 plant pots
Supply of:
8.5″x11″ graph paper
various insulating materials
blank transparency sheets
index cards
chart paper
paper towels
sturdy kitchen matches
355-mL aluminum soda cans
2-liter plastic soft drink bottles (or plant pots)
different types of rice grains
variety of labels from food packages
Fresh Products
8 9-volt batteries
6 liters hydrogen peroxide
75 8-cm3 pieces of white potato
1 1,200-mL sample of pureed corn
100 sprigs of Elodea
1 Coleus plant with at least 50 leaves
live plankton
mixed nuts
Materials for Optional Demonstrations and Extension Activities
16 1-hole stoppers to fit test tubes
1 stereo microscope
2 small paintbrushes
16 graphing calculators
1 propane torch
16 colored pencil sets
1 Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, CRC Press, any edition
1 embroidery hoop
32 pennies
1 gallon jug (with small mouth)
1 small action figure
1 cart to hold action figure
1 rubber band
9 traffic cones
1 video camera and tripod
1 round bottomed flask with stopper
8 balloons
16 Bunsen burners
plankton identification guides