IAES: Student Links
Student Links
Select any unit from contents
Unit A: Studying Soil Scientifically
Activity 7
Mapping Soils
Soil Taxonomy
This site provides the second edition of the US classification system, based on soil properties actually seen in the field, called “Soil Taxonomy, A Basic System of Soil Classification for Making and Interpreting Soil Surveys”. There is a PDF format for printing or viewing that includes text and soil maps.
The Twelve Soil Orders
This site gives a detailed description of the twelve soil orders and detailed maps of their locations in the United States.
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Unit B: Rocks and Minerals
Activity 15
Mineral Properties
The Mineral and Gemstone Kingdom
Find gemstones grouped by a range of search criteria, including color and crystal shape. The site also has information about minerals, a photo gallery, and a glossary. Site authored by Hershel Friedman.
Minerals by Name
An alphabetical listing of minerals. The description of each mineral includes a photo, its chemistry, and its physical characteristics. Site developed by Amethyst Galleries, Inc.
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Unit C: Erosion and Deposition
Activity 29 Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition
Activity 30 Challenges of the Mississippi Delta
Activity 33 Earth Processes and Boomtown’s Coast
Activity 29
Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition
American Geological Institute’s Earth Science World Image Bank
To view many photographs of structures formed by erosion, go to this site maintained by the American Geological Institute and do a search for key words such as: erosion, deposition, delta or canyon for many excellent images.
The following photographs relate well to this unit:
Soil erosion on unprotected soil in a developing area.
Devils Tower at Devils Tower National Monument, Wyoming.
Delta where a river enters a lake in Alaska.
Housing development on Mississippi River Delta.
Comparing Erosion
Compare the photos from the following links either by printing each of them or by opening them in separate windows on your computer:
Photo 1 – from the Earth Science World Image Bank
Photo 2 – from the Earth Science World Image Bank
Photo 3 – a gallery of 11 photos showing erosion and weathering from National Geographic
Arrange the landforms due to erosion by size, from smallest erosion channel to largest. Which do you think might form in a very short time? Which do you think took the longest to form?
Hint: Use other objects in the picture to determine the size of the channels.
The following links can be used for the Extension on page C-27 for Activity 29:
How Caves Form
Use this interactive website developed by Nova to explore four types of cave formation.
All About Glaciers
The National Snow and Ice Data Center provides information about the formation and effects of glaciers.
Activity 30
Challenges of the Mississippi Delta
Personal Account: Avian Ecology
At this site, maintained by The Virtual Birder, ecologist Jennifer Nesbitt tells why she decided to become an avian ecologist and explains how she conducts research with birds.
NOAA Ocean Explorer: Marine Ecologist
Peter Etnoyer’s pet fish had 200 babies in his aquarium when he was in elementary school. Go to this National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) link to see what other events inspired this ocean explorer to become a marine ecologist.
Wetland Ecologist
Lief Sigren explains how his work as an ecologist relates to peoples’ lives and wetland ecosystems all over the world at this site sponsored by the National Institute of Environmental Health Science .
Environmental Careers for Kids
Do you love trees? Like being outdoors? Check out this site, maintained by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, to see what it is like, and what you need to do to become a forester (a person who works to maintain habitats in the forest).
Discover Engineering
Can you imagine robots so small they can fit inside the human body? How about a spray on skin that can be used to treat cuts? Or a glow-in-the-dark bike? Go to this site sponsored by a group of engineers’ organizations, to read about these and other projects that engineers are currently working on. This site also introduces you to several different engineers and describes their projects.
Engineer Girl
This site, maintained by the National Academy of Engineering, has fun facts and cool links that show how turning imagination into reality can lead to a career in engineering.
Grand Challenges in Engineering
Watch a short video and learn about the Grand Challenges in engineering as determined by the National Academy of Engineering.
Earth Processes and Boomtown’s Coast
Erosion of Sea Stack in Oregon
This site, sponsored by the United States Geological Survey (USGS), shows a sea arch in Oregon over a 100-year period of time. Use the photos to answer the questions in your book.
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Unit D: Plate Tectonics
Activity 36 Storing Waste
Activity 40 The Continent Puzzle
Activity 44 Mapping Plates
Activity 48 Other Types of Plate Motion
Yucca Mountain Archival Documents
Go to the U.S. Department of Energy’s site for the latest information on storing radioactive waste, including the Yucca Mountain Repository.
Activity 40
The Continent Puzzle
Plate Tectonics Animation
You can choose the length of time you would like to animate the movement of the continents, beginning as early as 750 million years ago. Site maintained by the University of California’s Museum of Paleontology.
Historical Perspective of Plate Tectonics
See five images that trace the movement of the earth’s continents over the last 225 million years at this U.S. Geological Survey site.
Activity 42
The Theory of Plate Tectonics
Video Segment 1 – Plate Tectonics: The Scientist Behind the Theory
This video segment chronicles the Alfred Wegener’s development of the theory of continental drift and is from WGBH, provided via the PBS LearningMedia™ website. You may be required to create a free account on PBS LearningMedia to access this video.
Video Segment 2 – Plate Tectonics Further Evidence
Using evidence from Alfred Wegener’s theory of continental drift, this video from WGBH, provided via the PBS LearningMedia™ website, details the evidence that supported the theory of plate tectonics. You may be required to create a free account on PBS LearningMedia to access this video.
Major Tectonic Plates of the World
This U.S. Geological Survey site contains a world map with major tectonic plates identified by name.
Tectonic Plate Motion
Examine a world map showing plate movement based on satellite data. You can then scroll down to the index map to select a region of the world and see vectors showing the direction and magnitude of movement. Site developed by NASA’s Space Geodesy Laboratory.
Plate Tectonics
You can see a world map with vectors showing the direction and magnitude of movement within tectonic plates. Site developed by the late John C. Butler, a professor at the University of Houston.
Activity 48
Other Types of Plate Motion
SEPUP Plate Motion Simulation
Use this simulation to complete Activities 47 and 48. Observe the movement of convergent, divergent, and transform plate boundaries over periods of time from 10 years to 20 million years.
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Unit E: Weather and Atmosphere
Activity 51 Investigating Local Weather
Activity 57 Oceans and Climate
Activity 60 Changing States of Water
Activity 64 Earth’s Atmosphere
Activity 66 Atmosphere and Climate
Activity 68 Worldwide Wind
Activity 51
Investigating Local Weather
Local weather information
Use this link to investigate your local weather. On the site, enter your city in the search box, then look for the “Seasonal Weather Averages” link about half-way down the page (above the Astronomy bar).
Activity 57
Oceans and Climate
Geologist Profile
Meet Dr. Randy Keller, a geologist who studies the chemistry of volcanic rocks to learn how explosive a volcano is, how old it is, how deep the lava came from, and what that lava encountered on its way to the surface.
Careers in Atmospheric Science
Hydrologists in the National Weather Service
Activity 60
Changing States of Water
Cloud Types
Explore clouds and their association with weather in the Windows to the Universe site, sponsored by the National Earth Science Teachers Association.
Activity 64
Earth’s Atmosphere
Earth’s Atmosphere Interactive
Use this link to gather and compare data from different atmospheric levels.
Activity 66
Atmosphere and Climate
Check back here soon to see predictions from your class and others around the country on how the climate might change.
Activity 68
Worldwide Wind
Worldwide Wind Interactive
Use this link to collect data about wind direction for cities all over the world.
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Unit F: The Earth in Space
Activity 74 As Earth Rotates
Activity 75 Sunlight and Seasons
Activity 76 A Year Viewed from Space
Activity 78 The Earth on the Move
Activity 79 The Predictable Moon
Activity 81 Moon Phase Simulator
Activity 82 Tides and the Moon
Activity 83 Marking Time
The North American Sundial Society
This site provides answers to questions about sundials and gives information about how to make or set up your own sundial. It also provides references and links to other sites.
Making a Sun Clock
This site from the Exploratorium tells you how to make a simple sun clock.
A Walk Through Time
This site of the National Institute for Standards and Technology provides information on both ancient and modern methods for measuring time.
Educational Exhibits about time, clocks, daylight savings, or calendars
This site lits the official U.S. time and has links to additional sites about time.
Activity 75
Sunlight and Seasons
Sun-Earth Day 2005—Ancient Observatories
This NASA site contains links to a timeline and photographs of ancient structures used to observe the Sun and indicate the seasons.
Activity 76
A Year Viewed from Space
SEPUP Seasons Interactive
Use this link to explore the seasons on Earth as viewed from space.
Activity 78
The Earth on the Move
Seasons Reasons
This NASA site explains the seasons and includes an animation.
The animation at this site shows the change in seasons as the Earth orbits the Sun.
Activity 79
The Predictable Moon
Virtual Reality Moon Phase Pictures
This site of the United States Naval Observatory provides virtual views of the Moon for any date in the past or future.
Earth View
This site provides today’s view of the Moon.
Activity 81
Moon Phase Simulator
Moon Phase Simulation – NEW
Activity 81 Handout to use with the new Moon Phase Simulator
The handout only includes changes to the Procedure, Materials, and Analysis Question 3. The rest of the activity remains the same.
Eclipse Calendar
This site provides information about upcoming eclipses of the Sun (solar eclipses) and the Moon (lunar eclipses).
Tide Animation
This animation of the Moon rotating around Earth helps you understand when spring tides and neap tides occur. It also shows how the phase of the Moon relates to extreme tides.
Tide Region Selection
This site allows you to look up tides at numerous sites in the United States.
Calendars and their History
This site from NASA provides information on the history and astronomical basis of calendars. It includes information on the Gregorian, Julian, Jewish, Islamic, Indian, and Chinese calendars.
The Classic Maya Calendar and Day Numbering System
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Unit G: Exploring the Solar System
Activity 86 Observing Objects in Space
Activity 87 Telescope Technology
Activity 88 Classifying Space Objects
Activity 97 Exploring Outer Space
Activity 98 Choosing a Mission
Activity 86
Observing The Night Sky
International Astronomical Union – Naming Astronomical Objects
Activity 87
Telescope Technology
Evidence for the Big Bang Theory
This short video excerpt, adapted from Nova describes the work of Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson, is provided via the PBS LearningMedia™ website. You may be required to create a free account on PBS LearningMedia to access this video.
Activity 88
Classifying Space Objects
International Astronomical Union – Naming Astronomical Objects
Activity 97
Exploring Outer Space
Have you ever wondered what is it like to travel in space? The following NASA sites describe how astronauts handle everyday tasks like getting dressed, eating, sleeping, and exercising while in a microgravity environment.
Space Flight Questions and Answers
Are you interested in becoming an astronaut? These NASA sites will help you learn what you can do to work toward a career in space.
How Do you Become an Astronaut?
What It’s Like to Be an Astronaut
So You Want to Be an Astronaut… (1)
So You Want to Be an Astronaut… (2)
NASA’s Current Missions
This NASA site provides schedules and information about its current missions, some piloted and some unpiloted, that are exploring space right now.
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