SEPUP Science Grade 7: Student Links
Online Resources
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Unit 1: Body Systems
Activity 2 What’s Happening Inside
Activity 5 The Skeletal and Muscular Systems
Activity 8 Digestion: An Absorbing Tale
Activity 9 Gas Exchange
Activity 10 Gas Exchange in Other Organisms
Activity 11 The Heart: A Muscle
Activity 12 Heart Parts
Activity 14 Circulatory System Problems
Activity 15 Excreting Wastes
Activity 17 Can You Feel the Difference?
Activity 18 Finding the Nerve
Activity 19 The Endocrine System
Activity 21 Developing Health Plans
Activity 2
What’s Happening Inside
Human Anatomy On-line
This site allows an interactive exploration of the human body systems.
Body Systems
Find out some interesting facts about your body systems.
Interactive Body Systems
On this site you will find Arnold and must put his organs back into their proper place.
Activity 5
The Skeletal and Muscular Systems
Bones and Muscles
Learn more about bones and muscles on this interactive site from the British Broadcasting Company.
Click on this link to learn more about x-rays.
More on X-Rays
Click on this link to see x-rays of joints, fractures and growth plates.
Activity 8
Digestion: An Absorbing Tale
Activity Calorie Calculator
Calculate the number of calories you burn during 222 activities by filling in your weight and the average amount of time you spend exercising. Site maintained by Fitness Jumpsite, a collaboration between two certified personal trainers.
Food and Nutrition Information Center
Visit the “DIY” section of “Consumer Corner” to evaluate your health and calculate your risk of disease. The site is part of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
Nutrition Explorations
Explore food and nutrition on this site from the National Dairy Council.
The Digestive System
Find more information about the organs of the digestive system on this interactive site.
Tissues of the Digestive System
This site is from the SUNY Downstate Medical Center in Brooklyn, NY. It links to a lab manual which includes photographs of microscope slides of the various tissues of digestive organs.
Activity 9
Gas Exchange
Lungs and Breathing
To find out more about the lungs and how we breathe, click on this link from the National Geographic Society.
Lung Movement
Click on the link below to see an animation of lung movement as we breathe.
Activity 10
Gas Exchange in Other Organisms
How Stuff Works Videos: Octopus Breathing
This site from How Stuff works shows a close-up view of an octopus breathing.
Activity 11
The Heart: A Muscle
Health and Fitness Center
Get the latest information on the best ways to get fit from WebMD. You can calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI).
How the Body Responds to Exercise
Click on the link to watch a short video about the effect of exercise on the body.
Activity 12
Heart Parts
Heart Contraction and Blood Flow
To view more information on heart valves and to see an animation on how the valves of the heart work, click on the link above.
Anatomy of the Heart
Learn more about the structure of the heart from the Texas Heart Institute. This page is also available in Spanish.
Map of the Human Heart
View an animation of a healthy heart pumping blood by clicking on the links above.
Activity 14
Circulatory System Problems
Nova Online: Pioneers of Heart Surgery
Learn how military doctors pioneered advances in antibiotics, anesthesia, and blood transfusions during World War II. There’s also information on treating heart disease. Site maintained by PBS’s NOVA Online.
The Faces of Science: African Americans in the Sciences
Read about past and present African American scientists that have contributed to the fields of science and engineering. Site maintained by Mitchell C. Brown of Princeton University.
Daniel Hale Williams
Follow the link above to learn more about the life of Daniel Hale Williams.
More on Daniel Hale Williams
Follow the link above to learn more about the life of Daniel Hale Williams.
Healthy and Not So Healthy Hearts
Click on this link to learn more about keeping your heart healthy and what doctors can do when things go wrong.
Coronary Angioplasty
View a video segment on coronary angioplasty.
Activity 15
Excreting Wastes
Kidney Dialysis from the University of Nebraska
View this animation from the University of Nebraska to learn how a healthy kidney filters blood and how kidney dialysis can filter blood when a kidney is diseased or damaged.
Activity 17
Can You Feel the Difference?
Click here to see how your class results compare to the results posted by other classes who did this activity.
Activity 18
Finding the Nerve
Neuroscience for Kids
Explore activities and other resources on the nervous system. Site maintained by Eric Chudler, a research professor at the University of Washington in Seattle, Washington.
The Brain and Nervous System
Learn about the nervous system and take a trip through a virtual brain during this 30 minute video from the University of Washington television.
Sound and Hearing
Learn more about sound and hearing as you explore this site from the University of Washington, “Neuroscience for Kids.”
Light and Vision
Learn more about light and vision as you explore this site from the University of Washington, “Neuroscience for Kids.”
The Brain
Click on the link to view a video showing the anatomy and function of the different parts of the brain.
Brain Trauma
Learn about concussions and how they affect the brain in this video.
Activity 19
The Endocrine System
SEPUP Simulation: The Endocrine System
Click on the link above to launch the simulation in your browser.
Activity 21
Developing Health Plans
SparkPeople: Do’s and Don’ts of Goal Setting
Click on this link for some tips on setting sticking with goals.
WebMD Top 9 Fitness Myths — Busted!
Explore this article from WebMD that examines some common fitness myths.
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Unit 2: Cell Structure and Function

Activity 23 The Range of Disease
Activity 25 A Closer Look at Animal and Plant Cells
Activity 27 Microbes
Activity 29 The History of the Germ Theory of Disease
Activity 33 Disease Detectives
Activity 23
The Range of Disease
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Health Topics
Use an alphabetical list of disease and health topics to find out more on this U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention site.
Healthfinder Diseases and Conditions
An easy-to-use site with lots of information on human health. Site maintained by U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Video on Bubonic Plague – with closed captions
This video segment from A Science Odyssey recounts the tactics employed by San Francisco’s health officials to prevent bubonic plague from reaching America’s West Coast. Download Bubonic Plague Video – with closed captions to save the video and view it in full screen. It is recommended that you have the latest version of QuickTime installed to properly view this video. This video is from the Teacher’s Domain.
Activity 25
A Closer Look at Animal and Plant Cells
SEPUP Cell Simulation: What Do Cells Do?
Click on the link above to launch the simulation in your browser. Having trouble? Email us.
The Virtual Cell
Take a tour of a virtual cell. Click on any part of the cell and find out its function.
Dennis Kunkel Microscopy Education Web Page
Learn about science and photography through microscopy. Site maintained by Dennis Kunkel Microscopy, Inc.
Cells Alive!
One of the many interesting things you can do on James Sullivan’s site is download and watch video of cells during mitosis.
Cells Alive!
View interactive models of plant and animal cells. You can also click on cell animations to see the cell cycle and cell reproduction.
Activity 27
The Microbe Zoo
Explore the world of microbes that live in nature and are represented in this “zoo.” The Microbe Zoo is part of a project at Michigan State University.
Protist Image Data
Look at microscope photos of protists and algae at this University of Montreal site.
The Microbial Universe
Watch a 30 minute video about microbes in your body and the world around you, from Annenberg media. Free registration required.
Activity 29
The History of the Germ Theory of Disease
University of California Museum of Paleontology: Biography of Robert Hooke
See images from Robert Hooke’s Micrographia in this biography of the seventeenth century scientist and inventor. Site maintained by University of California Museum of Paleontology.
Robert Hooke
A site devoted to recognizing Robert Hooke’s accomplishments and inventions. Site hosted by Westminster School in London, England.
When Worlds Collide—Micro versus Macro
Learn more about the microbes that cause disease and the effect the work of scientists such as Leeuwenhoek, Pasteur and Koch had on our knowledge of diseases and how they spread. Click on “The Invisible Made Visible,” and “Pasteur and Koch – Bacteriology,” at the left of the page.
Nobel Panel Decides Against U.S. HIV Discovery
Nobel Decision Stirs Viral Dismay
Activity 33
Disease Detectives
Yellow Jackie
Yellow Jackie is an online science mystery created for Access Excellence @ the National Health Museum (AE@NHM), a national science education program. In this interactive story, students read clues and determine what the disease is and what should be the next course of action.
Medical Mysteries on the Web
This is a futuristic game produced by The Center for Technology in Teaching and Learning at Rice University. You can to play the role of scientist, historian, and detective in various missions to understand how infectious diseases are spread. It is also available in Spanish.
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Unit 3: Genetics
Activity 34 Investigating Human Traits
Activity 36 Reproduction
Activity 38 Gene Combo
Activity 40 Gene Squares
Activity 41 Show Me the Genes!
Activity 42 Analyzing Genetic Data
Activity 34
Investigating Human Traits
Predicting Eye Color
Although a child’s eye color is determined by more than one gene, this interactive site simplifies the process so you can predict eye color.
Activity 36
Cloning Fact Sheet
Find out more about cloning from the Human Genome Project’s Cloning Fact Sheet.
Click and Clone
Use this interactive cloning simulation to clone a mouse!
Cell Reproduction
Watch an animation of cell reproduction in an onion root from this University of Arizona website.
Activity 38
Gene Combo
Click here to see how your class results compare to the results posted by other classes who did this activity.
Activity 40
Gene Squares
What Does Genetic Mean?
Find out more about genetics and heredity including additional Punnett Square practice on this site from Athro, Limited.
Activity 41
Show Me the Genes!
How Cells Divide
Compare the differences between sexual and asexual cell reproduction on this website from NOVA.
A Mutation Story
Are mutations helpful or harmful? View a five minute video on a mutation in West Africa that prevents malaria but lead to sickle cell anemia. Needs RealPlayer or Quicktime video.
Cell Reproduction
Watch an interactive animation of cell mitosis from the Cells Alive! website.
More Cell Reproduction
Watch an interactive animation of cell meiosis from the Cells Alive! website.
Activity 42
Analyzing Genetic Data
Click here to see how your class results compare to the results posted by other classes who did this activity.
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Unit 4: Ecology
Activity 44 The Miracle Fish
Activity 45 Introduced Species
Activity 48 Sustainability of Ecosystems
Activity 50 Coughing Up Clues
Activity 51 Eating for Energy
Activity 53 Nature’s Recyclers
Activity 57 Too Many Mussels?
Activity 44
The Miracle Fish
The Global Invasive Species Database
Find current information about the ecology, distribution and management efforts of the Nile perch on The Global Invasive Species Database.
National Invasive Species Information Center
Find out whether the Nile perch has been found in the U.S.
Activity 45
Introduced Species
Kudzu in Alabama
Kudzu was classified as a pest in 1972 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Find out more at Alabama’s Cooperative Extension site.
The Amazing Story of Kudzu
Did you know that people make kudzu baskets, kudzu jelly, and kudzu hay? You can link to recipes and other kudzu innovations at the University of Alabama Center for Public Television & Radio site.
Asian Tiger Mosquito
The Washington Post: Asian Tiger Mosquito Spreads Trouble
Find out what the Asian tiger mosquito looks like, where it can be found, and more at the on-line version of The Washington Post newspaper.
Asian Tiger Mosquito
More information on the Asian tiger mosquito from the US Department of Agriculture.
Nutria in Louisiana
The history and biology of nutria can be found on the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries site.
The Mammals of Texas: Nutria
Read about the growth of nutria and its spread across Texas. Site maintained Texas Tech University.
Nonindigenous Aquatic Species: Hydrilla
Learn why this aquatic plant, also known as water thyme, is considered a problem. Site maintained by U.S. Department of Agriculture‘s Center for National Invasive Species Information Center.
University of Florida, Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants: Hydrilla
What does research say about getting rid of this invasive plant? What can you do to help? Find out this and more at the University of Florida’s Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants site.
Asian Longhorn Beetle
Asian Longhorn Beetle Fact Sheet
Find all the latest information on the Asian longhorn beetle at the University of Vermont’s site.
U.S. Department of Agriculture: Asian Longhorn Beetle
What is the U.S. government doing to stop the spread of this insect? Find out this and more at the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service site.
Purple Loosestrife
Purple Loosestrife – Plant Conservation Alliance
Find current information about Purple Loosestrife on the Plant Conservation Alliances’s Alien Plant Work site.
Purple Loosestrife Page
Get the facts on this invasive plant at Cornell University’s Ecology and Management of Invasive Plants Program site.
Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology: European Starling
You can listen to the sounds of a European starling while learning about its diet, habitat, and nesting behavior. Site maintained by Cornell University’s Lab of Ornithology.
Animal Diversity Web: European Starling
Find the European starling’s biological classification and much more at this site supported in part by the University of Michigan’s Museum of Zoology.
Brown Tree Snake
Invasive Species: Brown Tree Snake Profile
The life cycle of the brown tree snake, its classification, and its habitat are just some of the types of information that can be found at this site.
Nile Perch
Nile Perch
Find current information about the ecology, distribution and management efforts of the Nile Perch on the Global Invasive Species Database.
Activity 48
Sustainability of Ecosystems
The World’s Biomes
Find information about biomes and the global threats they are under on this site from the University of California’s Museum of Paleontology.
Mission: Biomes
Learn more about the earth’s biomes on this site maintained by NASA.
Grassland and Tropical Rainforest Biomes
Find information about the grassland and tropical rainforest biomes on this site maintained by Sea World.
Interactions within Ecosystems
Find out more about the relationships of living things within ecosystems on this fact sheet from Edquest. Learn about symbiosis, mutualism, parasitism and commensalism.
Coral Reef Connections
Learn about adaptations and relationships among living things on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. There is competition for space, food and mates. Some are dependent on each other and all are either predators or prey or sometimes both. Flash Interactive.
Biodiversity in the Dzangha-Sangha Rain Forest
Follow clues to find out how animals in this rain forest depend on each other. Identify feeding relationships, animal behaviors and resources in this interactive game.
Analyzing an Ecosystem
Identify the living and non-living components of an ecosystem and the find the producers and consumers in this interactive activity.
Activity 50
Coughing Up Clues
Owl Pellets
Perform a virtual owl pellet dissection on this site.
Activity 51
Eating for Energy
Dynamic Map of Zebra Mussel Distribution
You can find out how far zebra mussels have spread each year in the United States on this interactive map produced by the U.S. government.
Activity 53
Nature’s Recyclers
Food Webs
Explore grassland food webs in Australia and Africa as well as in the arctic and in the ocean, on this interactive site.
Activity 57
Too Many Mussels?
Zebra Mussel Research Program
The Zebra Mussel Research Program looks into different types of technology that can be used to control zebra mussels. It is funded by the U.S. government.
Invasive Species: Zebra Mussel Profile
The latest information on the zebra mussel, including laws and news, can be found at this site.
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Unit 5: Evolution
Activity 59 Here Today, Gone Tomorrow?
Activity 65 Whale of a Tale
Activity 67 Birds of a Feather
Activity 59
Here Today, Gone Tomorrow?
WWF African Elephant Fact Sheet
WWF Asian Elephant Fact Sheet
These fact sheets contain population estimates, species information, and the latest news on efforts by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) to preserve these species.
Bringing the Mammoth Back to Life?
A nearly intact mammoth was found frozen in Siberia. Read about the progress scientists are making in extracting DNA from a frozen mammoth.
Mammoth DNA
Read an article about how scientists have actually recovered DNA from a woolly mammoth.
Animal Camouflage
Watch this short (one minute) video on animal camouflage. Requires Real Player or Quicktime video.
A Mutation Story
Are mutations helpful or harmful? View a five minute video on a mutation in West Africa that prevents malaria but lead to sickle cell anemia. Requires RealPlayer or Quicktime video.
Activity 65
Whale of a Tale
The Evolution of Whales
View a drawing and diagram on the evolution of cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises). Site developed by UC Berkeley.
Introduction to Whales and Dolphins
Scroll down this site to find information and photos on whale evolution and to link to related sites. Site maintained by University of California Museum of Paleontology.
Information about Ambulocetus
View an artist’s drawing of Ambulocetus from the British Broadcasting Company. Read the physical description, habitat, diet and behavior of this “walking whale that swims.”
Activity 67
Birds of a Feather
Extinct, Endangered, and Threatened Species List
Find information on endangered plants and animals in a list compiled by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) Red List of Threatened SpeciesTM.
Extinct Dodo Related to Pigeons, DNA Shows
Read the National Geographic news article that details scientists’ research that shows the dodo bird and the pigeon are related.
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Unit 6: Environmental Change
Activity 68 Ecoregions of Texas
Activity 69 Mapping Soils
Activity 75 Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition
Activity 76 Challenges of the Mississippi Delta
Activity 79 Building for Sustainability
Activity 68
Ecoregions of Texas
Activity 69
Mapping Soils
Soil Taxonomy
This site provides the second edition of the US classification system, based on soil properties actually seen in the field, called Soil Taxonomy, A Basic System of Soil Classification for Making and Interpreting Soil Surveys. There is a PDF format for printing or viewing that includes text and soil maps. Printed copy is also available.
The Twelve Soil Orders
This site gives a detailed description of the twelve soil orders and detailed maps of their locations in the United States.
Activity 75
Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition
American Geological Institute’s Earth Science World Image Bank
To view many photographs of structures formed by erosion, go to this site maintained by the American Geological Institute and do a search for key words such as: erosion, deposition, delta or canyon for many excellent images.
The following photographs relate well to this unit:
Soil erosion on unprotected soil in a developing area.
Devils Tower at Devils Tower National Monument, Wyoming.
Delta where a river enters a lake in Alaska.
Housing development on Mississippi River Delta.
Comparing Erosion
Compare the photos from the following links either by printing each of them or by opening them in separate windows on your computer:
Photo 1 – from the Earth Science World Image Bank
Photo 2 – from the Earth Science World Image Bank
Photo 3 – a gallery of 11 photos showing erosion and weathering from National Geographic
Arrange the landforms due to erosion by size, from smallest erosion channel to largest. Which do you think might form in a very short time? Which do you think took the longest to form?
Hint: Use other objects in the picture to determine the size of the channels.
The following links can be used for the Extension:
How Caves Form
Use this interactive website developed by Nova to explore four types of cave formation.
All About Glaciers
The National Snow and Ice Data Center provides information about the formation and effects of glaciers.
Activity 76
Challenges of the Mississippi Delta
Personal Account: Avian Ecology
At this site, maintained by The Virtual Birder, ecologist Jennifer Nesbitt tells why she decided to become an avian ecologist and explains how she conducts research with birds.
NOAA Ocean Explorer: Marine Ecologist
Peter Etnoyer’s pet fish had 200 babies in his aquarium when he was in elementary school. Go to this National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) link to see what other events inspired this ocean explorer to become a marine ecologist.
Wetland Ecologist
Lief Sigren explains how his work as an ecologist relates to peoples’ lives and wetland ecosystems all over the world at this site sponsored by the National Institute of Environmental Health Science .
Environmental Careers for Kids
Do you love trees? Like being outdoors? Check out this site, maintained by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, to see what it is like, and what you need to do to become a forester (a person who works to maintain habitats in the forest).
Marine Careers: Coastal Geologist
At this site, sponsored by the University of New Hampshire, learn about Keil Schmid, a coastal geologist who studies coastal processes including beach erosion.
Discover Engineering
Can you imagine robots so small they can fit inside the human body? How about a spray on skin that can be used to treat cuts? Or a glow-in-the-dark bike? Go to this site sponsored by a group of engineers’ organizations, to read about these and other projects that engineers are currently working on. This site also introduces you to several different engineers and describes their projects.
Engineer Girl
This site, maintained by the National Academy of Engineering, has fun facts and cool links that show how turning imagination into reality can lead to a career in engineering.
Grand Challenges in Engineering
Watch a short video and learn about the Grand Challenges in engineering as determined by the National Academy of Engineering.
Activity 79
Building for Sustainability
Texas Environmental Sustainability Issues:
Texas Parks & Wildlife
Federal/State Threatened and Endangered Species
Species of Greatest Conservation Need
Texas: Rich in Natural Treasures
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Unit 7: Life in Space
Activity 80 Is Anybody Out There?
Activity 81 Conditions for Life
Activity 82 From the Earth to Space
Activity 83 Manned Space Flight
Activity 84 Plant Responses
Activity 87 Space Settlements
Activity 80
Is Anybody Out There?
PlanetQuest: The Search for Another Earth
Kepler Mission:
Kepler Mission Homepage
Kepler Range of View Animation
Kepler Occulation Graph Animation
Animation of HAT-P-7 Light Curve
Activity 81
Conditions for Life
How’s the Weather on Other Planets?
Activity 82
From the Earth to Space
Activity 83
Manned Space Flight
NASA: Interactive Spacesuit Experience
Activity 84
Plant Responses
NASA video clip: “Why Scientists Study Plants”
Growing Plants and Vegetables in a Space Garden
Activity 87
Space Settlements
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