Category: Science and Sustainability
S&S Student Activity 32.2: The Ethanol Alternative
Activity 32.2: The Ethanol Alternative Become an “expert” on one aspect of the issue of whether or not the production and use of ethanol fuels should be promoted. With the other members of your group, formulate an energy policy that does or does not include ethanol as an alternative fuel. Web Resources: Research for the […]
S&S Student Activity 30.3: You Can Bank On It
Activity 30.3: You Can Bank On It In this activity, you have two roles. As a member of your group, you will research one of the many loan requests made to the World Bank by developing countries and make a presentation about it to the class. The presentation should provide information about the country you […]
S&S Student Activity 23.3: Researching Oil Production and Use
Activity 23.3: Researching Oil Production and Use Through previous activities, you have explored several aspects of petroleum production and use, and learned that petroleum is a non-renewable resource. After a considerable amount of processing, petroleum can be used to manufacture a wide variety of valuable products, including fuels, plastics, and medicines. In this activity you […]
S&S Student Activity 20.1: Modifying an Organism’s Genes
Activity 20.1: Modifying an Organism’s Genes In this activity, you will use what you have learned about genetics and DNA, together with information collected during additional research, in preparation for a debate on the benefits and trade-offs of genetic modification of food crops. When your research is complete, your teacher will schedule a debate. With […]
S&S Student Activity 10.3: Development Decisions
Activity 10.3: Development Decisions Your challenge is to determine the best use for approximately 200 acres of undeveloped land located just outside the Outer City of Beijing. The property’s proximity to Beijing makes it desirable for many commercial ventures, but it is also valuable in its undeveloped state as a potential nature preserve.The property cannot […]